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Read more about Jonathan

Jonathan’s experience at GreenSchool Bali as a founding teacher propelled him towards nature learning combining academic, leadership and personal growth in students. His experience in schools includes International Bacularrette, Cambridge, IPC and a range of contemporary holistic curriculum frameworks.

Jonathan is passionate about seeing students evolve, not just through tests and grading but through real-world learning. He sees hands-on learning in nature as a way to connect contemporary knowledge and experience acquisition for young people.

‘Mostly, you can apply nature learning to systems thinking through the sciences while applying ‘discovery learning’ to history, philosophy, language and the arts. It is great to see the walls come down between disciplines when students get excited about learning by doing and experiencing the natural world in a safe context’.

He raves on…’What we learn with our hands – building, designing in situ, farming, playing music – teaches us to create for results and a million things we need in order to do that skillfully’. Most of all Jonathan believes in peoples potential and that nothing is impossible if we have a little faith…

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