+62 813 8441 6677‬ enquiries@5eyesfarm.com



Learning in nature

We take a “Hands Head Heart” approach to learning.

We combine projects with subjects.

Pairing subject knowledge and project-based learning (PBLs) makes learning relevant and real.

From superficial to depth by thinking and experiencing.

Moving past the walls of the classroom and typical subject divisions.

Learning in nature by doing and thinking. Learning by making and solving. Learning through action and reflection inspires discovery, curiosity and interest.

Learning like this captures young learners’ imaginations, enabling learners to make connections and ground understanding in skills, deeper knowledge and wisdom for life.


A hands-on project is seamlessly linked to business (economics, maths), language arts (communications, marketing, presentations), and Science (engineering, innovation, theory to practice) and adds much more than mere information exchange or memorisation to pass an exam.

Examples include growing a productive garden to sell fresh produce, developing a fish culture business, making bee hives, creating waste solutions, building with recycled products, collecting data in nature to help with research, harnessing the power of water, exploring natural energy solutions and problem-solving.

Gaining knowledge, practising skills, and developing understanding around core subjects are made more exciting and relevant when delivered and scaffolded through PBL frameworks.  This creates a balance between academic learning and life learning around essential topics that traditional schools do not usually cover.


Arts – visual, language, moving image, sound, drama (reception/production)
Histories – time-line – musicology
Languages – Indonesian/ coding
Green-ed – PBLs: composting, growing, propagating – everything good food, cooking, making, remaking – cycling, recycling (connecting to all subjects)
Body/health – sports, physical arts, yoga-breathing
Technology (find a way to do a programming course)
Entrepreneurial – creative venture development


Explore nature and natural environments. Explore human nature and built environments. Explore the world, its intricacies, possibilities and problems.

Create solutions and  help others learn how.


5EyesFarm runs a unique set of environmental learning programs and workshops under the banner ‘Green-Ed’.

Green-Ed is about learning to develop resilience and smart approaches with a focus on sustainable living with the wonderful opportunity of learning in nature.

Green-Ed is also project-based learning within the broader scope of the many disciplines learners need to develop to be self-resilient, adaptable citizens who learn to learn.

Green-Ed explores topics from research to design, making and creating, communicating and expressing. The basis of our framework is exploration, discovery and creation.

We use practical learning to establish deep subject learning in language arts, sciences, business and the arts. 

Combining active learning with reflective processes connects Hands, Head, Heart learning making a strong cord.  Develop knowledge, skills, wisdom and subject matter in the context of the natural world.

Green-Ed is experiential learning with specific application to real-world situations.

Learning where our food comes from is more relevant by planting seedlings or harvesting them.  To help the environment while doing creative recycling projects that work. To create win-win systems and cycles, harness nature in ways that help and do not hinder. Also to learn about the physical and  biological environment and creative  new solutions to old problems.

Green-ed offers unique integrated learning in natural contexts incorporating practical making, relevant projects, skills in design, planning, teamwork and good communication.

We aim to build resilience and adaptation skills as well as strengthening critical thinking and analysis. Real-life engagement, beyond the four walls and between the trees makes learning a wonderful, unforgettable and meaningful experience. 


Learning in nature

Natural gardening & farming

Capturing microorganisms, making biochar to improve soil, using green waste to make bokashi (a Japanese ferment for compost and animal feed), growing azolla and duckweed for aquaponics fish feed, preparing animal food from the banana stem, vegetable leaves, rice meal and Turmeric. These are some Green-Ed experimental gardening and farming practices we are seeking to perfect. Please join us for the journey.

Using our hands

Green-Ed is about what we make what we grow what we create and design using what is at hand. It is learning to harness all the power of nature in raising food and animals and integrating systems to power and generate. Green-Ed is about problem-solving and developing sustainable ways of living. We have over 100 Green-Ed projects completed or underway. Special thanks to all who have participated so far we hope the learnings you take with you will prosper your future encounters.