+62 813 8441 6677‬ enquiries@5eyesfarm.com

About 5EyesFarm-Lab

Imagine this

Welcome to 5Eyes, where nature and innovation unite! Our life lab brims with exciting projects that redefine consumption and embrace traditional methods and age-old wisdom. Discover a special place dedicated to pioneering sustainable solutions for a better tomorrow.

At 5EyesFarm-Lab, we offer hands-on learning through immersive projects on our unique nature-focused farm. Located in Bogor, just outside Jakarta, Indonesia, our farm goes beyond the ordinary. We emphasize sustainable living, regenerative practices, and wholesome food production.

Our farm is entirely organic, rooted in permaculture and Natural Farming principles. By integrating innovative methods and systems, we enhance production quality while prioritising ethics, environmental health, and personal well-being.

Join us for workshops, courses, and weekend retreats. We also offer accommodation for field trips, making 5EyesFarm-Lab the perfect place to reconnect with nature and learn sustainable living practices.

Meet Danti and Jonathan

Hi, we are Danti & Jonathan, co-founders of 5EyesFarm-Lab. We met in Bali in 2009  have lived worked and travelled together, East and West. We established 5EyeFarm-Lab in 2016 to experiment with living off the land and innovating with building, recycling and sustainable practices. Danti’s parents and our adopted son live

on the farm and contribute and develop our vision: to create models to help people adopt simpler cheaper and longer-lasting practices to improve lifestyle, well-being and health. 

Together we warmly invite you to experience 5EyesFarm-Lab first-hand.


Danti Tarigan is an unstoppable force of hospitality, ingenuity, and innovation, spearheading 5EyesFarm-Lab with unmatched passion and expertise. With a solid background in business and hospitality, Danti’s work seamlessly integrates experimental development and exceptional management skills, making her a visionary leader in the field.

Jonathan (PJ)

A passionate educator both in and outside the classroom with extensive experience teaching in multicultural contexts. Jonathan loves writing and is interested in practically everything.

5 Things we do

—01 Organic Life

Organic living is a holistic approach that extends beyond chemical-free farming. It’s a lifestyle deeply connected to the soil, land, and environment, promoting clean water, air, and natural biodiversity. Emphasizing balance and integration, involves allowing nature to guide the growth and development of all our integrated processes. It’s a commitment to regenerative practices that harmonize with our surroundings.

—02 Green-Ed


Get your hands dirty with Green-Ed

Green-Ed is learning with nature for a better future. We develop survival skills through hands-on activities and workshops and foster exploration, discovery, and understanding. We design, make, grow, cook, ferment, preserve, and create new possibilities. 5EyesFarmLab creates Green-Ed workshops across Farm, Garden, Lab and Kitchen. Experience hands-on learning in nature.

—03 Sustainable Practice

Recycle, remake, regenerate, reclaim, restore

At 5EyesFarm, our sustainable journey involves recycling, remaking, and regenerating soil with natural composts. We upcycle old items and use recycled materials, committing to zero waste and environmental stewardship. Every day, we creatively repurpose what’s at hand, making life practical, exciting, and fun.

—04 Good Food

At 5EyesFarm, we delve into the origins and benefits of natural, healthy, and organic food. From soil to spoon, we carefully cultivate a diverse range of great-tasting foods with real health benefits. Our culinary explorations include crafting juices, cakes, meals, and unique flavours, where traditional plant foods merge with innovative dishes. Join us in this ongoing creative journey to savour delicious, good food.

—05 Community Engagement


At 5EyesFarm, we aim to create an educational model based on organic farming and permaculture. By focusing on small-scale sustainability, we demonstrate viable alternatives to subsistence farming and monoculture practices, blending traditional agriculture with modern technologies and values. We welcome farmers, interested groups and organisations to learn with us.