+62 813 8441 6677‬ enquiries@5eyesfarm.com


The 5! – Our focus and mission

The 5! – Our focus and mission

The 5 things we do at 5EyesFarm are interrelated. The organic farming creates a canvas for Green-Ed learning. And the good food, the community engagement and sustainability practices come out of these.

Free Anniversary Magazine

posts Stories from the farm - a closer look at the people, the place and the bio-diversity at 5EyesFarm - LabAnniversary Zine5EyesFarm offers you a warm welcome to our concept through our anniversary magazine. Please check out this free resource as an introduction to...

Sustainable building 101

posts Stories from the farm - a closer look at the people, the place and the bio-diversity at 5EyesFarm - LabSustainable Building"People have used ingenuity in building sustainably for millenia. Maybe we can learn something from the past that can benifit the future...

A Day in the Life of Young James

posts Stories from the farm - a closer look at the people, the place and the bio-diversity at 5EyesFarm - LabJames at 5EyesFarmA day in the life of young James

5EyesFarm & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

A natural working (integrated) model can be repeated, duplicated and have a larger effect.Goal #15Eyesfarm serves as a micro-site for environmental education. We are an organic farm with integrated sections. 1) Raising animals, 2) raising freshwater fish and 3)...

Green-Ed Series – Learning in nature #1

Introduction Our passion is education and seeing learners develop, bloom and flourish. • Combining higher-order learning with hands-on learning in nature we feel we are providing an opportunity for a much-needed balance. • As technology and therefore educational...

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